FOLLOW : The Blog of TSF

Thoughts, News and Updates

Day 151: What is Jesus’ Plan for His Church?

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-22

Jesus has a vision for His Church. He has given us what we need – more specifically who we need – so that we can grow to maturity In Him. Understanding Jesus’ purposes for us is critical to understanding the role of the Church in our lives and in the World.


Day 150: How Should We Live In Our Calling?

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-21

Ephesians 3:10
The purpose of this enlightenment (the proclaiming of the Gospel) is that through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God should now be disclosed to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly realms.

This week, we will begin to bring together all that we have been learning together to focus on our mission here on Earth. Simply stated, we have been called up into The Story that is much larger than us. We are here to reveal both the “multifaceted wisdom” (Ephesians 3:10) and the “multifaceted grace” (1 Peter 4:10) of Father God in the ways that we work together in the Church, the Body of Christ.


Day 149: How Will We Get There? (The Means of The Church)

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-17

Today, we come to some simple conclusions about the Mission and Vision that Christ has set for The Church. We are simply called to make disciples/students of Jesus and to lead them to spiritual maturity.


Day 148: Where Are We Headed? (The Goals of The Church)

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-16

Today, we discuss the Goals and Outcomes of Father-God’s desires for us? We have been called to proclaim The Kingdom of Christ to this present World. The Kingdom is coming and it cannot be stopped. We are here to warn people about the choices they make now and how they will have consequences in the age to come.


Day 147: Why Are We Here? (The Purpose of the Church)

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-15

Today, we discuss the big question, WHY? Why did Jesus entrust His Mission to His people – The Church.


Day 146: What is The Vision That Defines The Church?

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-14

Ephesians 1:22–23
And God put all things under Christ’s feet, and gave Him to the church as head over all things.
Now The Church is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

 Father God has given us a Vision of The Kingdom defining all reality in the future. He has also entrusted us—the Church, the Body of Christ—with the work of “making disciples from all nations.” In the Church, He is transforming us to be like His One Unique Son—our Lord Jesus—through the work of the Holy Spirit. Each of us who are In Christ has been shaped and gifted to play a key role in this work. 


Day 145: What Does Jesus Desire for His People?

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-10-10

Jesus desires that we see Him as He is in all His excellent splendor and magnificence. What we have been given now “IN Christ” is only a glimpse of the good things to come. Jesus is anticipating the time when we will be with Him, see Him as He truly is and all things will be made NEW. 
