We each have a choice as to who we will allow to shape us at our core. Father God seeks to transform us from the inside out. He is seeking to change the core of who we are. Through the Holy Spirit, He is transforming, reforming, remaking our thoughts, desires, and emotions so that they are like Christ’s.
(more…)The things that we have been discussing this week are dangerous ideas. Many have twisted these thoughts into legalism—the way of thinking that says, “If I do this, then God must do this …” Father-God will not be manipulated this way and He desires a better way for us. We are working out our salvation, not working for it.
(more…)One of the goals that we have for MilktoMeat as a whole is to provide you with both the proper “diet” and “exercise” for spiritual growth. The proper diet for a Christian is the Written and Living Word of God. As Jesus told the Tempter, “A person does not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). The Word of God is our spiritual food.
We also know that proper diet is not enough, we also need exercise. This is true both in the physical and spiritual realms. Today we want to think about the nature of spiritual exercise.
Philippians 2:12–13
“… continue working out your salvation with awe and reverence, for the one empowering in youscripleftblue both the desire and the empowerment—for the sake of his good pleasure—is God.”
Even though we do not work to earn our salvation or our blessing or our acceptance from God, there are exercises that we can do which lessen the grip the World has on our flesh so that we can be more attentive and responsive to Father-God who is at work in Christ by means of the Spirit.
(more…)The Holy Spirit has been given to us so that we can become like Jesus. This is the main goal of the growth ministries of the Spirit. He is here to help us focus on Christ so that we can be transformed to be like Him.
(more…)Everyone on Planet Earth is being spiritually formed. The only question is, “Who is doing the forming?” Although there is no “formula” for spiritual growth, it does help us to understand the resources and the means that God uses to grow us toward Christlikeness.
(more…)The Holy Spirit has been given to all of us who are trusting Christ to lead, empower and fill us. The Spirit has been given to us to lead us and empower us to live in self-sacrificing love because this is who God is and what we have experienced from God Himself