I am The Way, The Truth and The Life…
Jesus The Messiah (John 14:6)
MilktoMeat is a simply a "roadmap" for personal growth designed to help you become a faithful and fruitful follower of Jesus Christ. In this study we seek to provide a basic spiritual diet and exercise that can help any willing student “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).
The MilktoMeat curriculum is built around Jesus’ statement above: He is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Jesus offers us a new way of life as we follow Him. He is The Truth and so orients us to reality. Jesus is leading all who follow Him in an “eternal kind of life” - a life characterized by hope, trust and love with the overflows of joy and peace.
For now, you can purchase the workbooks at Amazon if you would like a physical copy.
We are also providing the PDFs of the workbooks free of charge in the links below.
MilktoMeat Introduction and Overview
This PDF gives a strategic overview of MilktoMeat. This will give you a big picture of the overall goals and the goals of each study unit.
Recovering The Master Story (MTM Phase 1 Part 1)
The 1st workbook of MilktoMeat
Where have we come from? Where are we heading? Why are we here? These are all foundational life questions that guide us in discovering the meaning of life. Recovering The Master Story is the first study in the MilktoMeat series and focuses on creating a frame of reference for understanding the reality of life. We explore Bible based, Christ focused, transformative answers to these core questions. Knowing the "larger story" creates the context for understanding the Good News of Jesus - the topic of the next study.
Enlightened By The Gospel (MTM Phase 1 Part 2)
The 2nd workbook in MilktoMeat
What does it mean to have new spiritual life? The Gospel is the good news that although we have rebelled against Father-God our Creator, Christ His Son has come to call us back, heal us, and give us new life through the Spirit. We focus on Christ's work on the Cross and what He has accomplished for us through His self-sacrifice.
Realizing Your New Identity in Christ (MTM Phase 2 Part 1)
The 3rd workbook of MilktoMeat
What does it mean to be "In Christ"? What is our position vs. our condition? How has Christ blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places? In order to grow to maturity in Christ, we need to know how much we are loved by the Father, in Christ, through the Holy Spirit. In this study, we look at all the ways Father-God has provided for our spiritual needs through what Jesus Christ has done for us.
Download PDF of MTM 03 Realizing Your New Identity in Christ
Rooted and Growing in Christ (MTM Phase 2 Part 2)
The 4th workbook of MilktoMeat
How do we continue to grow spiritually, rooted in Christ? In this study, we discuss some of the distractions and false teachings that can lead us away from the Way of Christ. We then focus on some practical issues of spiritual warfare and how to walk in Christ in our daily struggles. We discuss putting on the full Armor of God to deal with the "external" attacks of the Enemy and putting on the "New Person" in Christ to deal with our "internal" struggles with the sin that still lives within us.
Empowered In The Spirit (MTM Phase 3 Part 1)
The 5th workbook of MilktoMeat
Who is the Holy Spirit and What does He do to us, in us and through us? Empowered In The Spirit guides you through the essential truths about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how He has been given to Christ's people to empower us for love and service. We discuss the "Growth Ministries" of the Spirit and the Spiritual Exercises which help us work His power out in our lives. We also discuss all the ways The Spirit is working to shape us to be like Jesus.
Serving As The Body of Christ (MTM Phase 3 Part 2)
The 6th workbook of MilktoMeat
What is the Church and How are we part of Christ's Body? The 6th and final workbook of MilktoMeat discusses The Church as the Body of Christ and the role each and every member of that Body plays in Christ's eternal work. We discuss the Vision and Mission that defines the Church as well as all the Gifts of the Spirit that have been given by Christ to His people to accomplish His work in and through us.