The Prophecy / End Times Collection

studies on the End Times and Last Days

"For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction,
that through endurance
and through the encouragement of The Scriptures
                WE MIGHT HAVE HOPE." (Romans 15:4)


Many people fear the future. We hear talk of "uncertain times" and an "uncertain future." But if we listen to the message of the Bible, we discover that

the future is NOT UNCERTAIN.

In fact, what is headed our way should cause celebration and rejoicing.


Eschatology is the study of the "last things" - it is the study of the what the Bible teaches about the end of this current age and the world to come.

Central to the study of the End Times is the person of Jesus Christ: He created all things (Colossians 1:15-17), He sustains all things (Hebrews 1:1-3), and all things will finally be brought together in Him (Ephesians 1:7-10). Our future is in His hands.

For a short post on why studying the End Times is so important GO HERE.

Listed below are our longer studies on the End Times. They cover the whole Bible from the first book Genesis to the last, Revelation. We hope they will help you understand where history is headed so that you too may have hope.

Are We Living in the Last Days?

A short Summer Bible Study from 2008 in which we discuss some of the central topics of Eschatology. This serves as a brief introduction to the longer studies listed below. A good place to start studying the Last Days.

All Things Made New

Biblical Eschatology I

In this course, we explore how the Hebrew Scriptures lay the foundation for understanding the coming End Times. After the blessing of Creation and the chaos of the Fall, the Lord promises to make all things new and these promises begin in Genesis 3:16.

The End of All Things...

Biblical Eschatology II

In this course, we explore what the New Testament has to say about the End Times and the Kingdom to come. Building on the foundation of the Hebrew Scriptures, Jesus and the Apostles give us more detail about the times leading up to the return of Christ.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

To complete our study of Biblical Eschatology, we will be studying the Book of Revelation during 2018-19 term.