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Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus

By Stacy Tyson | 2024-02-01

CHRIST we proclaim,
warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom,
so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
Colossians 1:28

If you have never been through a focused discipleship and spiritual growth study, now is a great time to start! Beginning Monday February 5, we will be sharing Truth Seekers’ MilktoMeat discipleship curriculum through our blog. Each day, Monday through Friday, there will be a new reading, along with resources, designed to help you grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Advent Day 25: The Word Became Flesh

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-25

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue, Gold and White Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior. The White Candle represents the Birth of the King and the Hope of His coming Kingdom.

John 1:14
And The Word became flesh and dwelt among us,
and we have seen His glory,
Glory as of the only Son from the Father,
full of grace and truth.


Advent Day 24: Who Was the Son of…

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-24

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue and Gold Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior.

Luke 3:23–38
, …. being the son (as was supposed) of Joseph, … the son of David,… the son of Judah, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham,… the son of Shem, the son of Noah,… the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.”


Advent Day 23: Born Like Other Men

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-23

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue and Gold Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior.

Philippians 2:7
“But Himself He emptied
The form of a servant He took on
Like other men He was born,
And in the appearance of a human He was found,..”


Advent Day 22: Good News of Great Joy

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-22

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue and Gold Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior.

Luke 2:10-11
“Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


Advent Day 21: The Birth of Jesus

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-21

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue and Gold Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior.

Matthew 1:1
Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit.


Advent Day 20: The Family of Jesus

By Stacy Tyson | 2023-12-20

Today, we light the Green, Black, Blue and Gold Candles. The Green Candle represents life and all that Father God created in Christ, Good and Whole. The Black Candle represents the Evil and Corruption of Sin that entered our World through our rebellion. The Blue candle represents the Hope that comes from the Promises of a future Savior and King. The Gold candle represents the birth of the long expected King and Savior.

Matthew 1:1
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
