The Revelation: Session 01 (1:1-3)


There is probably no other book in the Bible that generates more interest and mystery than The Book of Revelation. In our first session, we take a look at the first three verses of this book and get to the main point: this book is a revelation – a revealing – of Jesus Christ.

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Follow Jesus For Life
The Revelation: Session 01 (1:1-3)


  1. Terrence Mudder on 2018-09-19 at 6:13 PM

    Thanks for the podcast. What is your favorite commentary on Revelation?

    • Stacy Tyson on 2018-09-20 at 8:06 AM

      I don’t know if I have a “favorite”… When looking for commentaries I would highly recommend They rank and review commentaries and I use that site when I am looking for new one. They list, Beale, Mounce, and Osborne as the top three. I have all of them and they are all helpful as long as you understand their theological bent. For me, Witherington’s commentary was very helpful, particularly with background, cultural issues. Although not a commentary, Eugene Peterson’s Reversed Thunder has a lot of really good “big picture” insights. It is more of a meditation on key truths in the book.

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