A Family Seder


“Haggadah means ‘the telling.’ Passover is a story that has been retold for thousands of years. It is a story of miraculous redemption – from slavery to freedom, from despair to hope, from darkness to light. The greatness of the story is the greatness of Father God. The timelessness of this story comes from Father God’s intimate relationship with His people. As He cared for the children of Israel in ancient times, He cares for all who are His, in Christ, today…”

The Seder Plate and Table

Thus begins our observance, each year, of the Passover Seder, a tradition that has become an important one in our family. We celebrate this Seder every Easter to remember that our God is a God of “miraculous redemption,” and that everything He orchestrates throughout Scripture points to the miraculous, redemptive work of Christ on the cross.

When our daughters were little, Stacy started working on a version of the Passover Seder to share in our church and small groups.

Seder Readings

He did this because he realized that, while this “remembrance” is primarily a Jewish celebration, its relevance to the modern day believer is huge. Not only does the Passover Seder remember the saving works of our Father God in the Old Testament, but it points to what our Savior will do (and, indeed, DID do) in the New Testament. Jesus became our Passover lamb, using His own blood to rescue us from every form of Death. In celebrating the Passover, we see the fulfillment of Father God’s promises to Israel in the person and the sacrifice of His One Unique Son. The Seder that Stacy has pieced together was designed to have a more Christ-centered approach. It points from the events of Passover to our Lord’s saving work on the cross.

For and excellent overview of The Feasts of Israel by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum, CLICK HERE.

Dipping of the Karpas in Salt Water

This Passover Seder has gone through many revisions and reiterations through the years. The end result is a celebration that is not only Christ-focused, but something that anyone can easily replicate. It is slightly more condensed than more traditional Jewish versions, but “chocked full” of meaning. And it has become an important focal point of our annual Easter celebrations.

This year, we want to share this Seder with you. Its entitled “A Passover Seder: Celebrating Our Messiah Jesus.” We have included a LEADER/HOST Guide (on how to prepare for this event), as well as a PDF of the actual Seder service for participants.

Download Seder LEADER/HOST Guide here.

Download Seder PARTICIPANT Guide here.

This can be done with your extended family, in a small group setting, or with just the members of your own household. Whatever the circumstances, it is designed to give added weight and beauty to a holiday that, at its very center, brings us “from slavery to freedom, from despair to hope, from darkness to light.” We hope that it blesses you as it has blessed us.

Ceremonial Handwashing
Welcoming Elijah to our Seder
Finding the Afikommen!
“Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King Eternal who has called us to yourself
and will complete the work that you have begun in us.”

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